Wednesday, March 22, 2006


I was reading Rhonna Farrer's blog today, and actually for the last few weeks. She had started this process about a month ago about the 21 day challenge...perhaps you have heard of it!? If not, check out her blog--way cool.

Anyway, it sounds way cool...lots of inspiration there...I have been checking it out for weeks and peeking at what everyone has been creating and I have felt inspired. Today, there was a post from Rhonna asking who would be interested in doing it all over, me and another good scrap buddy are gonna do it--we are gonna take the 21 day challenge part II!

I am feeling excited but nervous too...not sure why, just freaked out that others will probably see some of my 'creations' and they will think they are garbage. Not that everything we create needs to be a masterpiece, everyone has their own interpretation of 'art' I suppose...but you know...nervous.

So, will have to check out when exactly this starts....but looking forward to trying something new, and mostly, experiencing this with tons of other people I don't know...and one that I do!



Vanessa said...

nic it will be awesome!!! just is a place to go totally wild cause it is for you only!!!
now i need one of them thar art journals!

Scrapbookjoe said...

WTG Nic! your stuff will be awesome like usualy!!!!

ScrapBookHim said...

I have not heard of this....sounds so interesting!

Keep us upto date....maybe there will be a round 3!