Sunday, May 25, 2008

feeling blue..

or even pink.

been thinking lots about not having #3....feeling really sad about it. I know I am lucky -- two great boys -- but it hurts knowing it is time to purge all our baby stuff.. Going to get it ready over the next few weeks for our garage makes me cry just thinking about it.

silly hey.


Vanessa said...

must be very tough, sorry your feeling blue nicole.

Boo said...

It's not silly at all Nicole. I think it's very normal. It took me a bit to come to terms with not having a 4th. I really wanted a 4th one. Getting rid of all the baby stuff is a difficult thing to do. Hang in there! Hugs to you!!!!

Laura said...

nope...not silly!
I think most people struggle with that, whether you want more kids or ended up with more than you planned ;). It's a very normal feeling and I'm sending some cyber {{hugs}} to you as you go through this.

Scrappytbear said...

We took years to be sure about not having another babe...if you arent sure yet, might not be the best time to make big decisions. All of a sudden one day you will know you have already decided...and it doesnt hurt so much then :(

Julie said...

Definitely not silly.I was in your position, I had sold all of my stuff and then I really felt strongly about a 3 and well.......I got him.Now I feel like my family is complete.Have no regrets Nicole.You can't go back and re-live.Make sure DH knows this.Now is the time!As far as will all work out!

Unknown said...

I have the three and want the fourth. Two boys then a girl. I just packed outgrown clothes and told my husband to put the boxes of clothes in the attic. He told me, Why are you saving this? Yeah, just in case, so we can save $$ on clothes later? I cried anyway. My Mother always said, if you can feed 3 you can feed five. That is what I hold on to, I can't let go of the dream. So HUGS to you and I applaud you for being so strong.

Chelsea said...

Not silly at ALL!!!!!! I totally understand your feelings, I got rid of my crib just a few weeks ago and it was certainly a sad day.