Friday, September 02, 2011

Play along!

A friend of mine Angie posted this on her blog yesterday - not sure where it originates from....but I think I am going to play along..even if I get stuck behind, I will try catching up and take a few pics in one day if I can.

What harm can it do right??
I figure that the worst that could happen is that I have at least 30 photos for some new layouts!

So - who's with me???


Vanessa said...

I saw this on a blog this morning too! I think it is a great idea :)

Much easier to do a photo a day when there are prompts like that!

Julie said...

This is a cool idea.

Diana Waite said...

I pinned this a few weeks ago but decided then I didn't have the time, now I do and have been thinking about doing it, so I'm in! Don't know if I'll be sharing pictures but I'll do it!

Unknown said...

I did this last month, actually it's not exactly the same list, but almost. It's a lot of fun to do and I learned a lot about my camera ! Can't wait to see your pictures !