Monday, October 31, 2011

One last LCOM project!

Wow - I can't believe it is Halloween already.  The kids are all getting ready to Trick or Treat tonight... will try to post some pics of my little monsters soon. But, for now, I will share one last project using some Pink Paislee Mistables that I did for Let's Capture Our Memories this month.

This time, I am sharing a page I did using the Pink Paislee mistable mask
and a whole lot of scraps from my stash too.
I really wanted to give some gesso a try - but I didn't have any - and didn't have a lot of time to go searching for some.. so I used a few layers of white paint and then misted it. It looks ok... I would love to still try the gesso though. I do, however, love the October Afternoon Boarding Pass alphas on this page.

Have a great and safe Halloween tonight... keep those little ones close by, if you are heading outdoors in your neighborhood.

And check out the Let's Capture Our Memories blog in November for some new inspiration from our new Marketing Team!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Last Creative Scrappers Page...

... I have loved working for Kristine at Creative Scrappers as a layout designer for the last year or so.. I didn't reapply for the DT this time around... but I will be still with Creative Scrappers as a Sketch Artist!

Here is the page I did using My Little Shoebox and Sketch 180 - my kidlets last Halloween all dressed up ready to trick or treat!
 I had to add some Doodlebug Glitter paper for those stars.. so pretty!
I also used those Jillibean Soup stamps again (from my Oct Nook kit)

I can't wait to go house to house with the kids.. this is actually the first year we are decorating the house/yard for Halloween. The kids are pretty excited... and so are we! This should be the first year that Addison will really get into the whole trick or treat thing too.

Hope you have a safe Happy and Safe Halloween!!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Are you card shark?

Well, then join us over at My Scrapbook Nook for a cool contest!!

Check out all the deets HERE


Over at Scrapbook Circle each month the Design Team is tasked to lift a page from the Facebook fan page.. if you haven't been posting your pages with the kits - what are you waiting for :)

Anyway, this month, we thought we would try something different.. some of the DT lifted a page from another DTer using last month's kit!

I chose to lift a layout by Elizabeth Carney - a super talented chick. I love her clean lines and no fuss details. Check out her Idea gallery at Scrapbook Circle and you will see what I mean! I lifted her page titled *2011 you
and came up with this:

 Just more love of those cute Jillibean Soup paper and Bit Sized Bites Journalling cards!
 I really loved the banner she made with the Elle's Studio tagss from last months kit.. so I used some of the Bella Blvd stickers and the American Craft remarks to make my banner title:
I really love it when you pull items from several different manufacturers and they all work together so well. These kits are no exception to that. Each month the kits are full of goodies from several different companies and yet all the items in the kit go so good together! Lisa really takes the guss work out for you!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Harvest Festival

I just finished working on my November kit for Scrapbook Circle.. and it came at just the right time too!!
I just love how Lisa picks just the right name for these kits - and this one is a festival for sure!

Check it out!!!!
I had recently taken some autumn photos of the kids in the woods behind the school (that sounds so bad, I know)...and the shots were really perfect to use with this lovely autumn kit!

One of my fave things in this kit has to be the Apple Cheddar Soup woodgrain paper from Jillibean. It really is just the right mix of brown & kraft.
 That soft Maya Road flower is a lovely shade of orange....
 I added in some twine from the Scrapbook Circle add on section too!
Hope you will pick up this fun kit to scrap those autumn photos that I just know you are all taking!!
Check it out HERE

Thursday, October 27, 2011


I love colour.
Lots of it.
It makes me feel happy.
Certain colours make me feel peaceful, some crazy and some just make me feel damn good.

The colours in the Sweet & Sour line from Jillibean Soup do that to me.
They make me feel damn good. Inspired to create.
The line has pretty much all my go-to colours in it.

I created this page in about 1 hour.. that is pretty good for me. I am a long time taker
I just seriously took out my Jillibean Soup pea pods and started to layer them. I added in some of the stickers from the diecut sticker sheet.. and away I went.

Those cute corrugated alphas are seriously fun. I love how big they are and the fact that you can sand/distress them.. or leave them plain and fabulous is allright for me too.

 The Maya Road Mists that I have been hoarding are so vibrant too - the orange, blue hydrangea and pink lemonade colours are perfect with Watermelon Gazpacho and Sweet & Sour Soup.

I can't believe it is almost Halloween.. and Christmas is right around the corner. I have been busy getting some holiday projects done for Jillibean soup. Have you been making Christmas cards and homemade gifts? I would love to get some ideas for teachers!!!

Live a good life :)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A few last Nook Projects...

Here are my last two My Scrapbook Nook projects using the October kit!

Oh, and here is the kit - in case you missed it the other day
 I think this page is my most favorite made with the kit.. I just love those MME brads in the kit. They really just need to be used on their own.. as is!
I added in a few of the new Authentique word phrases that just seemed to fit with the page!
 Don't you love the gold glittery ness on the diecut sticker!!

I made a few flowers from the ribbon and some leftover mistables ribbon for this page...

I hope you have had a chance to check out the kit... and there are also lots of fun add ons available too!!

Check it out HERE

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

More Nook Ness!!

Just sharing a few cards today that I made using the October My Scrapbook Nook kit.

I have been super inspired by the card DT over at the Nook.. I thought I would give a few attempts at card making with these:
 I just love the pops of aqua mixed in with the golden yellow and black - that isn't too black.. if you know what I mean. I love the tone on tone of that black paper!
 The kit has some lovely items in it - lots of My Mind's Eye eye candy !!!

Check it out HERE

Monday, October 24, 2011

Time for some Nook ness!

I can't believe I haven't shared one project yet from my October Nook kit!! Yikes, that is NOT GOOD!

so, here are a few... more to come tomorrow.. I just loved this kit.. so much My Mind's Eye Lost & Found 2 goodness...

  I love the Jillibean Soup stamps in this kit - so cute!! I will use them a lot!

 I just love how this line - and the kit - is so full of colours and papers perfect for the boys and the girls in my life!
I just love the yellow, black and grey pallette of colours.. so pretty!

Check out the gorgeous Petaloo flowers- truthfully, this was my first Petaloo experience and I love them!!
Look at all the glittery goodness.. and those beads on the flowers - yummo!!

Check out the kit and ALL its' goodies HERE
and when I say ALL.. I mean ALL.. these kits are LOADED!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

You are Simply the Best

More Pink Paislee Mistables to share with you from my October projects for

Here are a few cards that I made with this collection:
 I rubbed a lot of red Stampin' Up ink on this one and left the centre white. Added another homemade canvas flower from the scalloped strip trim:
  This one was spritzed with the Pink Paislee mistable mask.. love that pattern:
 I misted the ruffle trim on this one and frayed the edges a bit for a more shabby look.
 Hope you like the cards as much as I liked making them! Check out all the projects that were posted this week over at Let's Capture Our Memories!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Have you checked it out yet???

...My first class - Circle Circus class over at
Miss Art's Papercrafting School.

Have you checked it out yet??? Please do, I would love it if you could pop by and say hi, let me know what you think! It is an easy class - just a few tips put together on incorporating circles onto your projects..!!

The class is super easy and was fun to do !! Hoping you will check it out and join me for three short videos on incorporating circles into your projects... plus I used a hot mess of Jillibean Soup goodness on a few of my projects - check out a sneak here:

Please check it out and join me!! 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

More Fresh Picked Goodness

Sharing a page that I made using Scrapbook Circle's - Fresh Picked kit!

Lots more LilyBee on this as well as some Jillibean Homemade 6 Bean too!

I love those Wood Shop Alphas - this time I used Glimmer Glaze in Oil Slick to colour these:

Hope you have checked out the Scrapbook Circle site and looked into the kit!
The kits are quite reasonable and Lisa is always stuffing them full of new goodies!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

OMG,I think I almost

Sorry if that was WAY too much info.. but I just watched a few super funny scrapbook related videos.

You have to check this out HERE

I watched, I laughed.. and I even liked it on facebook...c' know you waaaannna... :)

A big project to share

Well, not totally big, but there are lots of pictures in this post.. !

This month at Let's Capture Our Memories, I chose to work with Pink Paislee Mistables.
I said it before - I love this product line. It allowed me to use up some of my ever growing collection of mists that I have been hoarding lately.

I wanted to create something to hang in our kitchen, and this is what I came up with:
(sorry for the blurry picture - it was tough to take a good one of all of it)


I will spare you all the detail shots can see them all over at Let's Capture Our Memories.
(you should totally head over there - it is worth it!)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Some Fresh Picked goodies!

Just stopping by today to share a page that I did using this month's kit at Scrapbook Circle - Fresh Picked!

It is full of new Lilybee Memorandum goodies... love the graphic papers in this kit!
 Check out these awesome Wood Shop alphas from Pink Paislee - I added some yellow ink to them.
 oh, and that heart is from the same alpha set- just added some red mist to it instead!
I am addicted to accordian flowers.. I think they are great for masculine pages and they are not so girly...
does that make sense?

Check out all the details on the kit at the Scrapbook Circle site and check out our blog and facebook page too to see what the DT and kit subscribers are creating with this kit! PLEASE share your pages with the kit on our facebook page so we can maybe lift YOU next month!! :)